for Adults with OCD

Both evidenced-based treatments can be of help when your progress has been stunted.

You have sought out treatment from an OCD expert and still find yourself not being able to get to the harder exposures because it is too hard to manage your intense emotions. The chaos in your life also does not allow for continued progress in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) and even still, you want some relief and stability in your life. It is time for change- but you do not leave your existing therapist. You don’t want to lose all the gains you have made in therapy but know that more of the same is not enough. 

It is time for change- but you do not leave your existing therapist. You don’t want to lose all the gains you have made in therapy but know that more of the same is not enough. 

DBT Skills Training Can Transform Your Therapy Experience

I am an expert in Exposure Response Prevention (ERP) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). This uniquely qualifies me to help you with managing intense emotion, setting limits, tolerating distress, and knowing when to use skills so you are not reinforcing the OCD. Working collaboratively with your primary therapist and myself will help yield different results. 

After participating in DBT skills training and consultations on the implementation of the DBT skills there will be a change in you and your ability to consistently engage in ERP in a more systematic way.  Furthermore, your life will feel more stable, and you will know when to use which skills to keep it so.  With your newfound knowledge of DBT skills and principles, you will no longer be driven by emotions and relationships will feel more cohesive.

For best results - Most clients return to their primary OCD therapist upon completing the work with me while some clients opt to continue to see their primary OCD therapist to work on ERP in addition to their work with me. 

Let’s Get Started!

If you are ready to start having a better understanding of your challenges and living
your life on your terms, contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation by phone to learn more about how this approach will help you be more effective in managing your OCD, emotions,
and life.