Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs)

Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania) and Skin Picking (Dermatillomania) Treatment Online Therapy

You look down in your lap and see a pile of hair, or maybe even a pile of skin. The embarrassment and frustration rush throughout your body. You know how long it takes for the hair or skin to grow back and notice how others look at you. Even people who know and love you don't seem to understand. They feel like it is such an easy habit to break. "I used to bite my nails- so I get it!" But they don't. They don't understand at all. You find yourself hiding behind hats, gloves, hair wraps, or whatever else you need. If you could just avoid people altogether sometimes- that feels so much easier.   

If You Knew How to Stop You Would've Already

At this point, you don’t even notice you are pulling until it’s too late and can’t step away from it. It’s almost like an addiction; you get an urge and think about it all the time. When you are feeling tired and emotional it’s much harder to resist so you feel around your body and find that one hair or piece of skin that feels out of place, too hard, too coarse, or perhaps the wrong color, and the next thing you know an hour has passed.

You don’t have to do this alone! I can help you increase your awareness of urges, teach you how to manage them, and help set you up for success. My clients report feeling better after learning mindfulness, self-compassion strategies, habit reversal, and the comprehensive behavioral model (ComB).

Let’s Get Started!

If you are ready to start having a better understanding of your challenges and living your life on your terms, contact me for a FREE 15-minute consultation by phone to learn more about how we can work together to help you feel more confident in managing hair pulling or skin picking (dermatillomania), stress, and anxiety.